Home to Ben Avery’s books, graphic novels, audio dramas, and other projects.
Ghosts of the Future is out now!!!
Order on Amazon here: GHOSTS OF THE FUTURE on Amazon (print edition $14.99 + applicable Amazon shipping; Kindle edition only $2.99)
Or order direct from Ben (and get it signed! and get other books by Ben, too!) here: GHOSTS OF THE FUTURE on Onward and Upward’s Weebly Store (currently on sale for $9.99 + shipping)

A strange anomaly lured them off course with the promise of profit and discovery!
An impossible planetoid challenged them with mysteries — from a derelict starship with a tragic history to alien structures with a baffling origin!
A deadly enemy plunged them into a confrontation on the edge of a dangerous cosmic maelstrom!
The crew of the freighter starship Tabitha could not have known that what they thought would be a simple investigation of an interesting and unusual anomaly in space would turn into a collision of the past, the present, and the future . . . and a conflict with one inevitable outcome.
One of them WILL die.
About Ben

I’m a storyteller. I love telling stories in almost any medium: comic books, novels, puppets, animation, whatever! I’ve been privileged to work with some AMAZING artists on comic book projects. My first professional work was with George R.R. Martin, taking his Hedge Knight novellas and turning them into graphic novel scripts. Since then, I’ve worked for Image, Marvel, and Zondervan with the previously mentioned AMAZING artists who made my stories look good. I have a passion for all ages storytelling, which is why I co-created TIMEFLYZ and ARMORQUEST. More recently, I have been adapting Bible stories into comic books and I have just released my first novel, GHOSTS OF THE FUTURE, a old-school feeling sci-fi novel. I’ve also begun editing some anthologies with other sci-fi writers! Writing is my passion, but I get to tell stories in my day job, too! I’m a children’s pastor in northern Indiana, where I live in a converted church with my wife and five kids.
This is a great book. What made it great, you ask? I couldnt figure it out & I won’t tell. Reminiscent of sci-fi favorites from when I was in high school, Ben’s words took me back, forward, and back again with this highly quixotic time-warp tail … and the characters were three dimensional. Thanks Ben, for a satisfying read… can’t, but will, wait for The Tabitha to return!
This is a great book. What made it great, you ask? I couldn’t figure it out & I won’t tell. Reminiscent of sci-fi favorites from when I was in high school, Ben’s words took me back, forward, and back again with this highly quixotic time-warp tale … and the characters were three dimensional. Thanks Ben, for a satisfying read… can’t, but will, wait for The Tabitha to return!
Quizzical not quixotic, oh my! Thinking of the meaning of one word and it slips out as another.